The Old Rooming House, Accommodations in New Harmony, Indiana
Family Get-togethers
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Romantic Getaways
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About the Old Rooming House
New Harmony, IN
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Relax and play games together
Family outings and get-togethers

A weekend at the Old Rooming House offers families both quality time and a unique, fun experience. Our affordable rates make it easy to rent the whole house, combining Bikes for everyone in the familytogetherness with personal space. Children are welcome at the Old Rooming House and enjoy playing our many vintage board games and riding the bikes we provide free for the use of our guests. They even survive without a TV! Sisters holding their annual get-togethers often rent Room 4, which features two double beds. Have more than one sister? Rent the whole house and stay up as late as you like!

We offer a microwave and coffeemaker for the use of our guests, and each room has its own small refrigerator, making any family outing easy on the pocketbook. A stay at the Old Rooming House gives families an opportunity to spend time together and have a lot of fun!



Site © The Old Rooming House, New Harmony, Indiana
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Photography by Kate Voss and Cairril Mills
Site design by Design